Gradient Colors
3D Gradients Oversaturated Rainbow Color
3D Gradients Oversaturated Rainbow Color


What should my child wear to class?

  • Girls should have their hair tied away ​from the face
  • Girls should wear a leotard, or ​athletic type clothing. no ballet skirts, ​baggy clothes or tights. Footless ​tights are acceptable.
  • Boys should wear a T-shirt tucked ​into their shorts and good fitting ​sweat pants

How often are classes held?

  • Classes are held once a week. You’ll ​attend class the same day/time each ​week.

What if I miss a class?

  • You can schedule a make up at our ​office.
  • Make up classes should be scheduled ​within 2 week of missing class.
  • No call/No show for make up classes ​are not eligible to be rescheduled.

The gym is closed, can I schedule a makeup?

  • Scheduled gym closings are included in our ​pricing structure and not eligible for make ups.
  • Weather closings ARE eligible for make ups.

Does my tuition have to charged to the card on file?

  • You can make a cash or check payment by the ​1st of a month and your account will be credited.

We cannot continue in the program, what do I do?

  • It is your responsibility to notify the office in ​writing, of your intent to withdraw by the last ​day of the month.
  • Upon receiving written notice, your account will ​be inactivated starting with the 1st day of the ​next month.